
Hi, Max, since seeing you I have been feeling a lot more confident within myself. I have been spending more time on myself. I thank you for sending me in the right direction, I know my life has been longing for something more, more understanding and purpose. Have a great day and I’ll be in contact.
Melissa B from Sydney Australia

Healing Courses
Hello Max. The courses were excellent. I enjoyed spending 8 days in Sydney with you to do the 4 Light Axis Healing Courses. Thank you for teaching me the courses as an individual. I am practising the techniques on myself and I have already had some paid clients of my own. You are a true teacher and an amazing healer. Thank You.
Michelle S from California USA

Hi Max, I feel great this morning after the healing and I feel very content and at peace! Thank you.
Lydia B from Maine USA

Healing Courses
Hi Max, I was really impressed with your Healing Courses. Doing the Light Axis Healing Courses was the best decision I have made in a very long time. The courses have improved every aspect of my life. After the courses I manifested this really good job that I love. I am paid a lot more than my previous job. I also am more social now and more confident. I feel that your techniques are a complete system, and that you showed me everything that I needed to know, so that I can heal myself, without needing others to heal me. Thank you for for my awesome new healing abilities. I was also happy that you did the 4 healing courses over Skype for me. All the best.
Oliver D from Toronto Canada

Hi Max, thank you so much for your help. Have a safe and happy New Year. (Sent on the 27th December 2014)
Melissa B from Sydney Australia

Thank you Max, whatever you did worked! I feel so much more empowered. Wow!
B Donovan from Phuket Thailand

Hi Max. I feel so much more thankful and less negative after that 2 Hour Distance Healing you did for me a few days ago. Thanks.
Lydia B from Maine USA

Hello Max. Oh my gosh! Has there been a shift or what! After the healing that we did on Skype today, the feeling good starts to roll in, just quietly, I’m feeling GOOD. Then my friend here arrives home and just talking with someone and interacting, my happiness is just growing and I’m laughing and it’s spreading to my friend. FUN in conversation. Awesome. Now we head off to get some sleep, excited about what’s possible! I still have a huge smile on my face – how am I going to sleep! Lol THIS is the best problem I’ve had in a long time! THANK YOU SO MUCH! I feel SO much better. Words don’t seem enough to express it!
Benita D from Brisbane Australia

Hi Max. Thank you so much for today’s healing session. I am very grateful for your time on a weekend. I thought perhaps I could purchase another 2hr session and then have a follow-up 1hr healing session with you in the future. I expect that I may call upon your guidance at times over the next 12mths. I would love to participate in one of your courses.
Benita D from Brisbane Australia

Hi Max. When I got up at the end of the 2 hour remote healing session that you just sent me tonight, I felt a really high level of contentment and after seeing all that you did for me, I felt contentment combined with knowing the love I felt. Thank you.
Lydia B from Maine USA

Healing Courses
Hello Max. It was great to meet you in person in Sydney. I felt that I released so much negative stuff during the healing courses with you in those 8 days. I feel like a brand new person and I feel really happy and peaceful. I feel like you have healed my entire life. I now have the tools to heal myself and others and I am looking forward to having clients of my own in the near future. Max you are an angel. Thank you for everything.
Christine G from Finland

Hi Max. I want to thank you for all your help and for the healing yesterday. It made me feel prepared, calm and ready for today.
Jane C from Perth Australia

Hi Max. Hope you are well. Thank you so so much for the healing. What you have done has made me so so peaceful. I can stand still without feeling the need to rush and just watch the world go by. 🙂 Thank you!!
Ashi N from India

Hi Max. The healing was amazing. Thank you so much for today. It was very helpful. I will be back for another session soon.
U Daniel from Sydney Australia

Hello Max. Thank you so much for your healing! I will let myself have faith in the healing process. Thank you again for your dedicated help Max.
Jackson K from Sydney Australia

Hi Max. Ever since I had the healing session with you I have felt so relaxed and peaceful and at ease, even in situations where I used to feel worried and stressed. Everything is working well for me and I feel that I am going with the flow and I feel that it is because of the healing. Thank you so much.
Jane C from Perth Australia

I would like to say “Thank You” for helping my family and I with the clearing. Words cannot describe how appreciative we are, for all you have done. My family and I definitely felt the difference at home. Your healing is very powerful. It was the first time, my house stayed clear for a long time. I definitely would like to do another healing, for my family as well. Thank you for everything.
Joanna C from Perth Australia

Healing Books
Hello Max. I just finished reading your eighth book. I have read all of them. Wow! I have learnt so much. I felt that my energy and my body were being elevated and that I was growing spiritually as I was reading your books. They are really powerful and I am so happy that I got the whole bunch of them to read. They were a great read especially after doing the courses with you. Namaste.
John H from Melbourne Australia

(Below is a 2 Part Testimonial of a lady in the USA who had a remote distance healing sent to them from Max Machin – it is one of the services provided in the Extra Services Section – Please note that they actually felt the energy and they felt really good after the healing. They also sensed someone talking to them, which was Max Machin that had made telepathic contact with them. They also continued to feel that the healing was making them feel better a week after the healing.)

Part 1. The Day After the Healing Session
Hi Max, Thank you again so much! I feel really good!! During the healing I definitely could feel something and after the healing I felt amazing so relaxed and level headed. At times of complete relaxation I would find myself talking to someone.. Or what I felt to be someone. I do not remember what was being said but I recall having a conversation. Again thank you so much
Lydia B from USA

Part 2. A Week After the Healing Session
Hi Max. I really appreciate all you have been doing for me. Emotionally I have been feeling really good! Which I am glad about.
Lydia B from USA

Hi Max. I really enjoyed our healing session, and I have indeed gained clarity about my short to medium term future plans. Thanks.
Lin W from Sydney Australia

Thank you so much Max. The healing session really put me at ease about my current situation.
Jane C from Perth Australia

Hi Max. I feel good after the healing. Everyday gets better. Thank you so much for your time. I am well now as a result of the healing session.
Joanna C from Perth Australia

Healing Books
Your books were a great read, and I learnt a lot from reading them. I have decided that I will do the healing courses with you now. Thanks.
Marie from Cairns Australia

Hi Max. I just wanted to say thank you for the healing yesterday. I feel a lot better today. Also thank you for giving me a great psychic reading at the end of the healing.
Michelle B from Sydney Australia

Thanks Max. I just wanted to tell you that I feel much better now after the healing and there is a lot of improvement. My mind is staying positive and I feel relaxed in every situation. I felt some of the healing energy last night and it woke me up this morning. I’m not sure what it was but it comforted me even when I was sleeping.
Erwin M from Sydney Australia

Thanks Max. I really enjoyed the healing session. I will definitely book another healing session with you in the near future. Also I will do some things differently in my life, in a better way, based on your advice. Thank you.
Michael C from Perth Australia

Thank you Max. I already felt the healing energy working on me, in our first meeting, before the actual healing. Then I also enjoyed very much our long healing session and I really feel the difference now. Since yesterday, I started doing the healing meditation you showed me….See you again soon.
Elisabeth M from Austria

Below is a 4 part testimonial from a healing client in Norway. You can see that the healing works and continues to work over time. The person continues to feel it and they improve over time.

Part 1: The Day After The Healing Session
Hi Max, I woke up and felt something today…. a really great feeling. I only slept 5 hours last night, and I felt totally rested when I woke up, as if I had slept more. I just wanted to let you know, that I feel something intensely good in here, and the time is 6AM. I can’t remember when I felt so happy! Thank you for the Healing. I feel much better after this. I’m more aware and relaxed….:D Thanks and see you again soon 🙂
Keio N from Norway

Part 2: Four Days After The Healing Session
Hi Max 🙂 I wanted to let you know how much better I feel. I’m really recovering! It’s amazing. I’m getting clearer day by day. I’m relaxed and my phobias are fading….Thank you!! 😀
Keio N from Norway

Part 3: Two Weeks After The Healing Session
Hello Max, I can’t express in words how grateful and happy I am after you healed me. I was having a really hard time in my life, before the healing. I was going through anxiety, depression and panic disorder. I had lost all hope of getting better. I actually even forgot what better was. I was addicted to smoking, alcohol and different drugs. (It’s unbelievable to even write those things today.)…..Today (a few weeks after the session) I feel like I am reborn…..After the session I quit smoking, drinking and drugs. I sleep relaxed…..I feel happier. My senses have expanded. I understand people better and everything around me. I clearly see what I need and want. I’m much more social and back in sports as well…..It’s like all the black has turned white. Thank you again Max, you do amazing healings. I will definitely refer you to my friends and family. :)….Anyone who is feeling that they need a healing from Max, Go For It! You won’t regret it 😉
Keio N from Norway

Part 4: Two Months After The Healing Session
Hi Max, I just wanted to write to you to tell you how I feel. Well, things are really getting better. I sense light and pureness going through me and it makes me really happy and wise. I see it in my eyes when I look into the mirror. I also notice that women are more attracted to me now :D…….I am starting to understand why you called it Light Axis Healing. I had a great day. I look forward to the next healing session and also getting your healing books.
Keio N from Norway

Healing Courses
Hello Max. The courses taught me everything that I need to know about spiritual healing. I have already been using what you taught me on myself and I have seen remarkable results. It was great to spend 8 days with you in Sydney and to get to know you more as well. Thanks Max.
Michael T from Adelaide Australia

Thank you for the healing Max. The changes have started to happen in my life because of the healing. I feel very happy, by the way. I have also started to lose weight!!!
Elisabeth M from Austria

(Translated from Spanish Testimonial Below) Thank you very much Max. After the therapy session I felt very relaxed and felt inner peace. My sleep is better during the night. During the day I have more energy and I am more aware of what I am thinking, saying and doing. Also I enjoy my work more and every aspect of my life is improving in every way. Thank you very much. We will keep in touch…..Cheers
Antonio Osuna from Mexico

(Session Done In Spanish – Sesion hecha en Español) En Verdad Muchas Gracias Max, ya que despues de la Sesión me sentí muy Relajado y con Paz Interior. Ahora Descanso Mejor al dormir durante mis Horas de Sueño y durante el día me siento con mas energía y más consciente de lo que pienso, digo y hago… Además Disfruto más mi Trabajo y tambien los resultados van Mejorando en todos los sentidos de mi Vida…..Muchas Gracias…Seguiremos en Contacto…Saludos…
Antonio Osuna de Mexico

I have been so much happier after you performed the healing. I used to be a very strong and determined person, and I finally found the strength I had lost. I was able to loose weight too because I had been wanting to do it for the past 12 months and I didn’t have the will. People at work noticed the difference, especially when I had to stand my ground for something. Others ask me how come I look so much happier and healthier too. I went back to the gym 5 times a week. Everything is better. I am much happier and healthier. Thank You again Max. You have helped me tremendously. I am very grateful for all you have done for me 🙂
Jorida Mana from USA

Hello Max. I am feeling much happier since the day I contacted you, I feel like I found the strength and the joy to live my life. Thank you.
Jorida Mana from USA

Thank you so much Max. I am still vibrating with the healing energy from our session. You are a really amazing, kind, and generous soul. I will definitely refer you to anyone that I think is open to the experience. I will let you know how things are going with me. I expect them to continue to improve now that I have more insight. I really appreciate all your time and effort. Thank you again and God bless you. I’ll keep in touch.
Saundra Sparks from USA

Hello Max, Thank you so much for all you have done. I feel the weight has lifted off my shoulders. I greatly appreciate it and will definitely refer you to my friends and family.
Jorida Mana from USA

Hello Max, I feel more calm today, thank you. Yesterday’s meeting with you gave me some hope for changing the bad things into good. I’m glad I met you.
Cezary L from Poland

Hi Max. First of all thank you for your time yesterday. I feel well and I had a great nights rest. Looking to have more sessions with you…Regards
Sergio Santos from Singapore

Healing Courses
Hi Max. The courses were great. Thank you for doing them over Skype for me. I have just had my first paying healing client and I am so happy. Also I did a healing on my friend and his back pain is gone. I am really happy with the quality of your teaching and with the quality of the healing techniques themselves. Thank You.
Louise M from London UK

(This was a special healing to FIND a girl with schizophrenia in France who had been missing for 1 month. I did a healing on her and they found her in a couple of days. This is a really big miracle. I am so happy for her, below is the thank you)

Dear Friend, Elsa who suffers of schizophrenia and paranoia and disappeared from home more than 1 month ago, without her treatment pills and without money, has been founded safe by police, the day before Christmas…She is now in a psychiatric hospital. Agostino and Françoise, her father and mother, send their great thanks to you who were a grand help for the situation. Blessings to you in the Light of this particular day December 25…
Patrick from France

Thanks very very much Max….my friend has miraculously come out of Coma and she was walking on her feet today……it is all because of your prayers …..THIS IS A MIRACLE……God Bless You.
Bita Afzli from Iran

Max is an amazing healer. He has the gift of psychically perceiving the negative emotions, and beliefs layer by layer that are imbedded in the different layers of a person’s mind, body, spirit and past lives. Max’s methods were able to heal the stubborn blemishes I had on my face that wouldn’t heal for months. The products I tried from the pharmacy would burn the top layers of the skin but not heal deep inside. Antibiotics worked for a while but then I would get another break-out and I didn’t want to be on strong medication too long for fear it may damage something else in my body. Since I began the Light Axis Healing sessions with Max I gradually noticed the blemishes begin to dry up, and in a matter of only three weekly sessions, all of them have completely healed. I’m so thrilled that now I have the confidence to go out in public without feeling that people are “turned off” by the blemishes on my face…..I highly recommend Max to anyone who seeks to be healed in a gentle, non invasive holistic way.
Marisa Secco from Sydney Australia

Thank you Max. You were amazingly intuitive during our healing sessions to release long held fears that had been holding me back in life. You’re intuition of the beliefs and feelings that I had from my early childhood into present day was accurate and insightful. Not only have I noticed changes in myself but also people that I interact with in my everyday life have also been aware of the difference they see.  Since working with you I now feel competent enough to further my studies and enjoy my life with enhanced feelings of confidence and happiness.
Shirley A from Sydney Australia

Already a spiritual intuitive myself, I was aware of clearing some long held blocks.The sessions with Max, shifted my energy and higher self. I noticed change from the day the healing took place to over next few days as the healing integrated. I noticed I was feeling much more lighter and clearer. He is an amazing healer. Try it for yourself, You will not be disappointed!
Jane H from Melbourne Australia

My name is Glenys and I have been seeking answers to my spiritual and emotional self for many years. My Light Axis Healing sessions with Max have been amazing. After doing healing work with Max I discovered that a lot of my emotional blocks were subconscious beliefs that needed to be changed at a cellular level. I have now let go of a lot of these blocks and am feeling a lot lighter, more grounded, more confident and am no longer handicapped by my self doubt and fears. My lower back problem is also much better. Thank you so much Max for teaching me to trust and know that the universe supports me in all areas of my life.
Glenys M from Sydney Australia

My surgery went exceptionally well. I didn’t tell the Doctor how much extra help she would be getting, so it was very interesting when she said to me that things went VERY well and she seemed a bit surprised and very pleased about it. Thank you so much for the prayers and light. My big fear was that something would go wrong and I would regret the decision to have the surgery. Actually, my scar is healing beautifully and my pain level has stayed fairly low. My sister is here with me and has had to remind me a few times to take it easy because I feel so good. I will take it easy, because I don’t want to cause any problems. I’m looking forward to getting back to a more normal life again when this is all over…..Thank you so much for the healing….Love & Light to you.
Cay from USA

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